Observed and urbanization-adjusted annual maximum peak discharge and associated urban fraction and precipitation values at USGS streamgage:

Observed annual peak-flood magnitudes were adjusted to 2010 land-use conditions on the basis of panel data regression model with fixed effect analysis.  The symbols presented in the figure are: "observed annual peaks", "adjusted annual peaks", and   "fraction of urbanization in the watershed"

Legend for Graph

Water year Segment Discharge code Cumulative reservoir storage (acre-feet) Urban fraction Precipitation (inches) Observed peak discharge (ft3/s) Adjusted peak discharge (ft3/s) Exceedance probability
1940 1 -- 12275 0.016 0.046 4860 5430 0.774
1941 1 -- 12275 0.017 0.773 2910 3330 0.914
1942 1 -- 12275 0.017 0.154 6310 6970 0.647
1943 1 -- 12275 0.018 0.609 8450 9250 0.447
1944 1 -- 12275 0.019 0.820 6950 7640 0.592
1945 1 -- 12275 0.019 0.504 4940 5490 0.770
1946 1 -- 12275 0.020 0.283 5460 6040 0.726
1947 1 -- 12275 0.020 0.587 6260 6890 0.653
1948 1 -- 12275 0.021 0.345 6260 6880 0.653
1949 1 -- 12275 0.022 0.215 5060 5610 0.762
1950 1 -- 12275 0.022 1.012 10100 10900 0.334
1951 1 2 12275 0.023 0.317 8400 9140 0.455
1952 1 -- 12275 0.024 1.230 6960 7600 0.596
1953 1 -- 12275 0.025 0.436 4560 5050 0.803
1954 1 -- 12275 0.026 1.702 4960 5470 0.772
1955 1 -- 12275 0.027 0.809 5880 6430 0.692
1956 1 -- 12275 0.028 0.683 5460 5980 0.731
1957 1 -- 12275 0.029 1.963 6960 7560 0.600
1958 1 -- 12275 0.030 1.255 5670 6190 0.713
1959 1 2 12275 0.031 0.073 7100 7690 0.587
1960 1 -- 12275 0.032 1.117 6520 7070 0.638
1961 1 -- 12275 0.033 1.125 6740 7300 0.620
1962 1 -- 12275 0.034 0.446 7180 7750 0.580
1963 1 2 12275 0.034 0.219 6500 7030 0.641
1964 1 -- 13029 0.035 0.098 2410 2700 0.942
1965 1 -- 13029 0.036 0.911 5670 6150 0.717
1966 1 -- 14729 0.037 1.250 7310 7860 0.570
1967 1 -- 14729 0.038 1.057 7540 8090 0.547
1968 1 -- 14729 0.039 1.183 8240 8820 0.481
1969 1 2 14729 0.040 0.254 6300 6780 0.662
1970 1 -- 14729 0.040 1.639 9480 10100 0.385
1971 1 2 14729 0.042 0.218 5200 5610 0.761
1972 1 -- 14729 0.044 1.141 6490 6940 0.649
1973 1 -- 14729 0.046 0.998 8380 8900 0.475
1974 1 -- 14729 0.048 0.905 10000 10600 0.356
1975 1 -- 14729 0.049 0.765 8440 8930 0.473
1976 1 -- 14729 0.051 0.903 11900 12500 0.250
1977 1 -- 23729 0.053 0.467 4780 5100 0.800
1978 1 -- 23729 0.055 0.931 7760 8170 0.539
1979 1 2 23729 0.057 0.867 16000 16600 0.114
1980 1 -- 23729 0.058 0.147 4800 5080 0.801
1981 1 -- 23729 0.059 0.946 9760 10200 0.379
1982 1 -- 23729 0.060 0.573 11000 11400 0.304
1983 1 -- 23729 0.061 0.341 9840 10300 0.376
1984 1 2 23780 0.062 0.216 7200 7520 0.603
1985 1 -- 23780 0.063 0.612 9450 9830 0.403
1986 1 -- 23780 0.064 0.609 9080 9440 0.432
1987 1 -- 23780 0.065 1.034 5780 6040 0.726
1988 1 -- 23780 0.066 0.456 6400 6670 0.672
1989 1 -- 23780 0.067 0.981 8080 8380 0.519
1990 1 -- 23780 0.068 0.396 7050 7320 0.618
1991 1 -- 23780 0.070 0.899 10600 10900 0.334
1992 1 -- 24100 0.073 0.065 4620 4800 0.822
1993 1 -- 24100 0.075 0.711 9160 9420 0.434
1994 1 -- 24100 0.077 0.879 8050 8260 0.531
1995 1 -- 24100 0.079 0.597 7470 7660 0.590
1996 1 -- 24100 0.081 0.592 10000 10200 0.379
1997 1 -- 24100 0.083 0.453 10100 10300 0.374
1998 1 -- 24100 0.085 0.683 9990 10100 0.382
1999 1 -- 24100 0.088 0.437 8510 8630 0.497
2000 1 -- 24100 0.090 0.919 6380 6460 0.690
2001 1 -- 24100 0.091 0.622 8310 8400 0.518
2002 1 -- 24100 0.092 0.746 10300 10400 0.367
2003 1 -- 24100 0.093 0.846 7110 7170 0.630
2004 1 -- 24100 0.094 0.837 7250 7300 0.620
2005 1 -- 24100 0.095 0.566 10100 10200 0.382
2006 1 -- 24100 0.096 0.395 3780 3800 0.888
2007 1 -- 24100 0.097 0.513 9720 9750 0.409
2008 1 -- 24100 0.098 1.188 11800 11800 0.283
2009 1 -- 24100 0.099 0.833 12000 12000 0.273